
There are many ways to learn. One is superior above all others, and that is to ask questions. I touched on this in a previous post, but I believe it bears repeating. So often when we read the scriptures, we do so simply to check the box of "I read my scriptures today". But there … Continue reading Questions

My Religion

I've thought for a long time about how I can describe my religion. The earliest versions where characterized by what it isn't. I'm not really a Mormon. I'm not really a Christian. I'm not really agnostic. I'm not really gnostic. As I've learned more, I've come to realize something a bit deeper: naming things is … Continue reading My Religion


For the past several of months, I have had an incessant drumbeat in my head, urging me to "find others like you". It is a plea to bring others together, to draw them in, to gather them; it is all the same message. And to my chagrin, I have been ignoring it. I've been ignoring … Continue reading Jonah


Steve Evans over at By Common Consent has published a "Laundry List" of changes he would like to see the LDS Church make. While a bunch of these are a bit tongue-in-cheek (ahem), I whole-heartedly agree with the list. The Church has gone astray. Implementing the things on this list would be a massive step … Continue reading Changes


Sure knowledge is the enemy of learning.  Once you claim to know something, you have shut yourself off to ever learning anything new about the subject. If I claim "sure knowledge", I am also claiming "sure stubbornness". I am claiming "sure ignorance", and consequently "sure damnation". "Sure knowledge" means that I have shut myself off to … Continue reading Knowledge

Ad Hominem

An ad hominem fallacy is one where, instead of attacking an argument directly, you attack a person making the argument, and use your attacks on that person as a way to discredit the argument. In short, you're ignoring the thing being debated and attacking the debater. Many of those who have become disaffected from the … Continue reading Ad Hominem