A perfect quote

I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned! So much of my frustration with organized religion is that it requires "answers that can't be questioned". To stop questioning is to stop learning, and that is the very definition of damnation.

From Medium: Reasons I’d Be Atheist, But Choose to Be Religious

This is a long read, but well worth it. I wish I had written it. Everything I read in there is exactly my experience: Unlike most faith crises, I am not really struggling with historical, theological or metaphysical claims of the Restoration. I am mostly just bored at church. I am deadened by how small, … Continue reading From Medium: Reasons I’d Be Atheist, But Choose to Be Religious

My Religion

I've thought for a long time about how I can describe my religion. The earliest versions where characterized by what it isn't. I'm not really a Mormon. I'm not really a Christian. I'm not really agnostic. I'm not really gnostic. As I've learned more, I've come to realize something a bit deeper: naming things is … Continue reading My Religion


Sure knowledge is the enemy of learning.  Once you claim to know something, you have shut yourself off to ever learning anything new about the subject. If I claim "sure knowledge", I am also claiming "sure stubbornness". I am claiming "sure ignorance", and consequently "sure damnation". "Sure knowledge" means that I have shut myself off to … Continue reading Knowledge

Ad Hominem

An ad hominem fallacy is one where, instead of attacking an argument directly, you attack a person making the argument, and use your attacks on that person as a way to discredit the argument. In short, you're ignoring the thing being debated and attacking the debater. Many of those who have become disaffected from the … Continue reading Ad Hominem